Games Workshop Commission Painting
Mini Manatee Painting
Commission Prices (Games Workshop) Updated 01/25
Assembly (if required)
Single boxed models: Warhammer website box price x 0.3
All other boxed
models or box sets: Warhammer website box price x 0.4
Standard Level Painting
Single boxed models:
On 40mm bases or smaller: Warhammer website box price x0.75*
On bases 50mm or larger: Warhammer website box price x1*
2-5 boxed models: Warhammer website box price x1.1*
6-9 boxes models: Warhammer website
box price x1.2*
10+ models
or box sets: Warhammer website box price x1.4*
*minimum price per model | Standard: $16 | Premium: $29
Premium painted
options = Standard Painting x1.8*
GW boxes that come with more than just models, eg a book or other accessories need to be quoted individually. (eg Deathwing Assault box)
Some exceptions for Kill Team boxes/Starter sets etc.
1: Commander Dante is $90.00 NZD from the Warhammer website
Assembly+Standard Painting = $90*0.35 ($31.50) for assembly, then $90*0.75 ($67.50) for painting, total=$99
Standard Painting Only = $67.50
Premium Painting Only = $121.50
2: A box of 10 Intercessors are $124.50 NZD from the Warhammer website.
Assembly+Standard Painting = $124.5*0.45 ($56.03) for assembly, then 124.5*1.4 ($174.3) for painting=$230.33
Standard Painting Only = $174.30 (roughly $17 each)
Premium Painting Only = $313.74 (roughly $31 each)
Assembly: Get 50% off all Greytide Studio pieces used to customize the models you purchase with assembly/standard painting OR 75% off with assembly/premium!
Bases: Dirt/Tuft bases are included at any painting level, however you can purchase resin bases for your models and there will be no extra cost to have them painted with your standard level models. Get resin bases and painting free with premium!
For when you want a miniature or set of miniatures that will get everyone's attention at the table, even under close inspection!
- Best quality paint job
- Advanced techniques
- Perfect for special characters
Premium painting levels are recommended for centerpiece models in your army as it will make those models designed to stand out look their best on the table.
And yes, you can mix standard and premium painted models thorughout your army in a commission!
More details:
All pricing gives us a budget of time to work from, premium gives us more time to work on a model and get an overall much cleaner and better result compared to standard - it also allows for extra effects like OSL (object source lighting) and weapon effects like lightning/power blades etc
For when you want your miniature or set of miniatures to look great on the tabletop for a great price!
- Best price
- Faster turn around
- Perfect for groups/sets of models/board games
Standard painting level is recommended for the bulk of the models that make up the army that are not centerpiece/large models (think general infantry or militia) as these units are generally not the focus of an army and still look great when they're painted to this level when they're fielded in groups on the tabletop.
More details:
All pricing gives us a budget of time to work from, standard also has some restrictions, primarily that the model is painted entirely but details that are not sculpted on the model are not included (eg, tattoo's, unsculpted banner emblems or other details that cannot be seen on the unpainted model)
Standard level painting is generally done with fast techniques, using drybrushing/speedpaint/contrast paints to get the bulk of the model done.
In rare instances where models have a lot of detail but still come in boxes of 10+ models (eg, Rubric Marines) they need to be quoted separately from the normal pricing scheme if you require them to be painted in the box art style.